Leverage your payments to bolster your growth

Travel agencies, operators, hotel chains and OTAs had to become payments experts very quickly throughout the pandemic.

For the past 20 months, the volatility generated in the travel sector from the constant back and forth with refunds, rescheduling and voucher manoeuvres led to multiple operation adjustments and resilience to keep doors open and travellers engaged.

In our latest report, you'll learn:

  • Seven key payments optimisations you can start making today to improve your payments' performance for the long haul
  • The customers' perspective and new experience for each improvement, and 
  • Four rules you can implement immediately to lower the risk of fraudsters.

"With booking numbers on the rise, we’re looking at ensuring the longevity of growth by fine-tuning a payment offering initially designed to survive a pandemic to now thrive in 2022 and beyond."

John Harris | VP Travel at emerchantpay


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Adapt your payments offering with flexible, customer-centric payment experiences with our end-to-end travel solutions.